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 * @exports
 * @class BrokenUrls
 * @desc Model for holding broken links information and methods for working with this data
export default class BrokenUrls {
     * Constructor function
     * @constructor
    constructor() {
         * Array of broken urls infos
         * @type {Array}
        this._urls = [];

     * Static initializer for BrokenLinks instance
     * @returns {BrokenLinks}
     * @static
    static create() {
        return new BrokenUrls();

     * Add url with given response status code to model of broken links
     * @param {String} url - link url
     * @param {Obect} advanced - advanced data hash
     * @param {Number} code - response status code
     * @returns {exports}
     * @public
    add(url, advanced, code) {
        this._urls.push({ url: url, advanced: advanced, code: code });
        return this;

     * Return all broken url items
     * @returns {Object[]}
     * @public
    getAll() {
        return this._urls;

     * Return broken url items with given status code
     * @param {Number} code - response status code
     * @returns {Object[]}
     * @public
    getByCode(code) {
        return this.getAll().filter(item => {
            return item.code === code;

     * Returns broken urls with response status equals to 404. Page not found error
     * @returns {Object[]}
     * @public
    get404() {
        return this.getByCode(404);

     * Returns broken urls with response status equals to 500. Server error
     * @returns {Object[]}
     * @public
    get500() {
        return this.getByCode(500);

     * Clears broken links model
     * @returns {exports}
     * @public
    clear() {
        this._urls = [];
        return this;